How to remove white space on the right/left side of the mobile view?

Looking for a solution to remove white space on the right /left side of the mobile and tab view. Mobile responsiveness is the most integral part of web design . Mobile-friendly pages are very important in terms of the user interface. So we don’t have to take the risk by leaving extra white space on the mobile/tab view. Here is a quick solution. Let’s see how to rectify this problem and make sure to avoid this issue happening in the future. Removing White space on right/left side of the mobile view This issue happens for both static and dynamic websites. As margin-border-content prevail for both. But removing in both types is easy and won’t take much of your time. How to remove white space on the right side of the mobile and tablet view in WordPress? Wordpress site works with themes and page builder. So this issue only happens with WordPress page builder. So you can manually check all the layouts of page builder ...